The St. Thomas – Elgin Local Immigration Partnership (STELIP) is excited to host the twelfth annual Walk with Me Service Provider Networking Event .

This event is an invaluable opportunity for frontline workers to come together to learn, inform, and engage with other local service providers; improving the overall level of service delivery offered to clients throughout the city and county.

Event Details

Wednesday October 25, 2023
9am to 1pm
*Registration and showcase set-up opens at 8:30am

St. Thomas Seniors’ Centre
225 Chestnut St, St. Thomas

Registration fee is $15

Event Activities

The Local Reality

An overview of the local census will help build an understanding of the immigrants in our community. Additionally, key findings from the local immigrant survey will illustrate how immigrants are accessing serices and fairing in our community.

Serving Newcomer Clients

As a service provider what is your role in serving immigrants clients? Immigrants do not have experience accessing supports, underlying the importance of referals. An important referal for any immigrant settling in the community is to one of two local settlment agencies. The local settlment agencies share the breadth of ther services and outline how they can support your immigrant clients and in turn compliment your service provision.

Service Provider Showcase

You will have the opportunity to showcase your agency’s services at no additional cost. We recommend you identify some of the lesser-known or new programs that meet the needs of marginalized clients. For this reason, we suggest that agencies send at least two participants, one to run the table and the other(s) to walk around and connect with the participating service providers. The showcase is meant to help build better relationships and understanding between frontline service providers.

Service Provider Bingo

Back by popular demand! Service Provider Bingo is a networking activity that takes place during the Service Provider Showcase. Participants look for a representative from an agency that matches the description of their service or a program on the bingo sheet. There are prizes to be won, which is a bonus to learning about local services and building your contact list. Be sure to include the requested Service Provider Bingo information on the registration form.


Who should attend?

Walk With Me is a networking opportunity for frontline service providers to expand their referral networks, receive professional development, and promote their own work to improve overall service delivery. Many clients are unaware of the scope and variety of services offered in St. Thomas and Elgin County, and a strong referral network can go a long way to correct that.

What can I expect at the event?

Registration will start at 8:30 and the event will begin at 9 am. There is assigned seating at the event to encourage developing connections. This is an interactive event, come prepared to do hands-on activities and connect with other service providers. The morning will include opportunities for networking and learning, with participating agencies encouraged to have a display table for the service provider showcase. It is recommended that agencies send at least two attendees: one to provide information at their own booth, and another to network with representatives at the other booths.

If you are unable to attend after you register please let us know to allow seating to be re-arranged.

What should the table for the Service Provider Showcase Tradeshow include?

Every agency will have a different approach. In the past tables have included displays with an overview of services and programs, banners, brochures, and handouts.

I registered but now I am unable to attend or need to leave early. What should I do?

We have a capacity for this event and may have a waitlist. If you have a change in your availability and cannot find a replacement from your agency, please let us know so that we can invite someone from the waitlist to attend. Additionally, if we know of people arriving late or leaving early we can arrange seating to ensure there are sufficient participants at a table to complete the tasks and have robust conversations.

Why is it called “Walk with Me”?

This event provides the opportunity for frontline service providers to gain local knowledge and develop their skills and understanding to better serve newcomers and other marginalized clients. That is, to walk with their clients as they navigate local services.

Registration Details

Registration is now closed. Note that we recommend that each agency sends at least two participants. Although participants must register separately, one payment can be made to cover all participants from a given agency. Registration closes on October 20 at 4pm. There is a capacity limit for the event, register early to ensure you get a spot.

If you have registered and cannot attend, please email so that changes can be made to the table arrangements.
