I am a resident and want to help

Thank you for your interest in supporting people affected by the Russian War on Ukraine. We are currently working to gather local supports.

I have housing available

There are several ways to offer your house for individuals. Select an option below. Note that you should first complete a vulnerable sector screening which can be done online through St. Thomas Police or through the OPP for Elgin County.

I currently have people staying with me

Once you have helped your individual or family move in, it is recommended you connect them with the local settlement agency. The services offered are free for Ukrainians that arrived under CUAET and other means. They can support navigating the Canadian system and are experienced in all matters of immigrant settlement including accessing English language learning. Learn more about Settlement Services.

A square graphic with a yellow heart in the background that reads, I am in St. Thomas or west Elgin County.
I am in St. Thomas or west Elgin County.

Contact YWCA Settlement Services


16 Mary Street W, St. Thomas ON

A square graphic with a red heart in the background that reads, I am in Aylmer or east Elgin County.
I am in Aylmer or east Elgin County.

Contact MCS


16 Talbot Street E, Aylmer ON

More information

Ukrainian Diaspora Support Canada

How can I help displaced Ukrainians arriving in Canada? – Information flow chart

Ukrainian Refugee Toolkit (National Newcomer Navigation Network)

I want to offer support in a different way

Please contact the staff at St. Thomas Elgin Local Immigration Partnership.
