On September 13th at the CASO station in St. Thomas, the St. Thomas-Elgin Local Immigration Partnership hosted their first Community Conversation on topics related to immigration and diversity in St. Thomas and Elgin County. Featuring three guest speakers and a Q&A with those in attendance, the evening once feared to have too many seats proved in fact to have too few, as a large crowd of over 50 residents braved the late-summer humidity to fill the room.
“It was just a great night; everyone was enthusiastic and engaged, ready to learn and ask questions,” commented presenter Corrine Walsh, “everyone was respectful and civil, it was just terrific”. These sentiments were echoed by those in attendance, with feedback forms indicating that most would return for a similar event in the future.
STELIP would like to thank our three presenters for the evening–Corrine Walsh, Imam Abd Alfattah Twakkal, and Victoria Esses–along with everyone who came out to the event. We hope you all left the CASO Station feeling informed and ready to spread the word of acceptance and welcoming throughout your communities.
September 25th
STELIP will be hosting their annual Walk With Me networking event for service providers. This year’s theme is Trauma Informed Care with guest speaker Dr. Richard Zayed.
September 29th
In partnership with the STEAM Centre, STELIP is organizing an event for this year’s national Culture Days. The theme of Culture Days 2018 is the drumming and rhythm-inspired OnBeat (sic).
Stay tuned for more information!