Public engagement and education is high on the priority list of the St. Thomas-Elgin Local Immigration Partnership’s work building Welcoming, Caring and Inclusive communities, and so STELIP is excited to be hosting a public forum on topics related to immigration and diversity in St. Thomas and Elgin County.
Scheduled for Thursday, September 13th at 7:00pm at CASO Station in St. Thomas, the event is free and will feature three guest speakers:
Imam Abd Alfatah Twakkal: Imam Abd Alfatah Twakkal was born and raised in Calgary, Canada. He has a BA in Religious Studies, a BSc in Zoology, and a Master’s degree in Islamic Studies. He came to London, Ontario with his family in October of 2013 and is the Imam of the London Muslim Mosque. He will be speaking about the religion of Islam, and what it means to be a Muslim today.
Victoria Esses: Victoria Esses is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Centre for Research on Migration and Ethnic Relations at the University of Western Ontario. She is Co-Chair and Principal Investigator of the Pathways to Prosperity Partnership. She will be presenting on the role of the media in the public’s perception of immigration and immigrants.
Corrine Walsh: Corrine Walsh is the co-founder of Platinum Leadership, a London-based company that focuses on corporate change, and the development of leadership skills and a positive workplace culture. She founded Platinum Leadership in 2007 along with her husband Andrew. Corrine will be speaking on the regional economic impact of immigrants, and the demand for their skills and experiences in the labour market.
The event will also feature a Q&A with members of the public. Those in attendance are encouraged to prepare questions to ask at the event, or to submit questions using the form below to be read aloud by a moderator.