St. Thomas Journal, 2 October 2014 St. Thomas and Elgin county are home to newcomers from many corners of the globe. But the region’s cultural diversity can be easy to miss, in part because its population is stretched across a vast, partly rural landscape. “We’re very spread out, and so it makes not as easy […]
“Walk With Me networki
St. Thomas Journal, 18 September 2014 When organizers launched a networking event for recent immigrants and local service providers three years ago, they chose a name that showed camaraderie between the two groups. They called the event ‘Walk With Me’ as a way of encouraging empathy for recent settlers and having service agencies walk with […]
“St. Thomas and Elgin
St. Thomas Journal, 31 July 2014 Petrusia Hontar figures if people are more aware of the cultures in St. Thomas and Elgin they may be more welcoming to cultures outside their own. That’s one reason she and the community’s cultural diversity committee are trying to create a festival that celebrates the mosaic of heritage and […]