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“St. Thomas and Elgin’

“St. Thomas and Elgin’s inaugural Newcomer Champion Awards to honour those making a difference”

St. Thomas Journal, 14 November 2014 What does it mean to be a newcomer champion? It means settling in a new community and making a difference. Or being an individual, group or organization that supports newcomers as they settle in their new homes. And a new set of awards will recognize both types of champions […]

“St. Thomas event to c

“St. Thomas event to celebrate Canadian citizenship and all it entails”

St. Thomas Journal, 13 October 2014 The rights, liberties and opportunities that come with Canadian citizenship can be easily forgotten or taken for granted, especially by people born into them. But a community celebration in St. Thomas this week aims to highlight those benefits and reflect on Canadian values in an event for newcomers and […]

“Walk With Me networki

“Walk With Me networking event targets service providers and newcomers in St. Thomas and Elgin county”

St. Thomas Journal, 18 September 2014 When organizers launched a networking event for recent immigrants and local service providers three years ago, they chose a name that showed camaraderie between the two groups. They called the event ‘Walk With Me’ as a way of encouraging empathy for recent settlers and having service agencies walk with […]