St. Thomas Journal, 14 November 2014 What does it mean to be a newcomer champion? It means settling in a new community and making a difference. Or being an individual, group or organization that supports newcomers as they settle in their new homes. And a new set of awards will recognize both types of champions […]
“St. Thomas event to c
St. Thomas Journal, 13 October 2014 The rights, liberties and opportunities that come with Canadian citizenship can be easily forgotten or taken for granted, especially by people born into them. But a community celebration in St. Thomas this week aims to highlight those benefits and reflect on Canadian values in an event for newcomers and […]
“Walk With Me networki
St. Thomas Journal, 18 September 2014 When organizers launched a networking event for recent immigrants and local service providers three years ago, they chose a name that showed camaraderie between the two groups. They called the event ‘Walk With Me’ as a way of encouraging empathy for recent settlers and having service agencies walk with […]